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When we read the Book of Acts, we see a church of action and one that was concerned with the spread of the Word of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ. The goal of our church is obeying the Lord in carrying the gospel to a lost world. The definition of mission is the act of going or sending, to be entrusted with an assignment. Remember Matthew 28:19-20, the Great Commission from our Lord. "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded them. And lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world."


Our church's strategy to reach the lost is to begin with our Jerusalem area, the area closest in proximity to us. We continue to reach out to Judea and Samaria, those who are farther away from us. And, finally, we strive to reach the uttermost parts of the earth. We achieve this by giving and sending - giving to help support those who are currently missionaries in a foreign field, and sending members of our church out on short-term mission trips. We also believe in the power of prayer to change not only our nation, but the entire world. Join us in supporting the furtherance of the gospel to every person who has never heard the good news of Jesus Christ.

temple schools

Tennessee Temple Academy

Tennessee Temple Academy exists to train young people in Biblical truth, teaching them to be true servants of Jesus Christ. Biblically-based, Christ-centered education is rooted in the liberal arts to cultivate cultural, social and personal growth. Students' opportunities at TTA result in life changing experiences that prepare them for post-secondary education. TN Temple is a ministry of Highland Park Baptist Church, but students are not required to attend Highland Park to enroll.

Tennessee Temple University

Tennessee Temple University is a distinctively Christian liberal arts institution, preparing students for lives of leadership and service. TTU is characterized by quality academics and biblical values. TTU offers undergraduate programs at the associate and bachelor levels, with graduate programs in education, ministry, theology, and leadership. It is unique in its emphasis on local church ministries through affiliation with the Highland Park Baptist Church.

Temple Baptist Seminary

For over half a century TBS has been training successful pastors, evangelists, missionaries, educators and other dynamic ministry leaders. Study under some of America's best conservative scholars on campus or through our distance education program. Temple Baptist Seminary's programs are academically respected, Biblically sound and professionally relevant.

WDYN radio ministry

WDYN 89.7 FM broadcasts Christian radio throughout the Chattanooga area seven days a week. Gospel Dynamite, the radio voice of Highland Park Baptist Church, begins at 9:00 every weekday morning! Call in with your prayer requests during the program at the number given. The station reaches throughout the tri-state region with its 100,000 watt tower. It’s scope is worldwide through live-streaming audio on the internet. Click here to listen live.

camp joy

Camp Joy is a ministry of Highland Park Baptist Church, reaching out to children ages 8-12. Our goal is simple - to provide a week of exciting activities in a Christian atmosphere, where children can have fun and learn about God. Each week of camp is packed full of fun activities like canoeing, horseback riding, swimming, field games, and indoor gym games. More importantly, every day a trained staff presents the gospel to the kids. Between chapel and daily cabin devotions, the Word of God is planted into the hearts of every child.

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© 2009 Highland Park Baptist Church, Chattanooga, TN